Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Acupuncturist Finally Speaks

Hey every one. It's me, Andrea, the acupuncturist on the project. This is my first blog attempt...ever. I am so happy Lindsay and Jania are so computer savvy. I can't even check my email from here. Sad. Here's my story so far.

The orphanage is like a smooth stone you hold in your pocket. You can't stop thinking about it and you find yourself wanting to pick it up and hold it. The children pierce your heart. I truly have never experienced anything like it. I feel insignificant, but the children are very trusting and it makes me want to work hard. I seem to have so much energy and I can't stop thinking about treatments I want to give them. I keep picking up the stone to feel it and look at it.

It seems like almost all the children have cerebral palsy. I am becoming an expert in the treatment of CP in the same way that the others in my group are becoming bilingual in Spanish. I'm learning the language these children speak, with their contracted limbs and upward stares. I keep praying that what we are doing here will make some sort of ripple in the water.

I have to throw the stone in.



Mari said...

I am so proud of you.

Kevin Gillese said...

Andrea, I'm inspired by the work you all are doing. It's amazing.

Teryl said...

Andrea, you are absolutely amazing. Don't give up, even if the stone turns into a boulder. Just roll it out of the way and keep doing what you do so well; sharing your life and your love for life.

Brother M said...


I am thinking of you and Mom and hoping that you are safe. I liked your metaphor of the stone - it made the trip sound romantic in some way. I suspect it is hard though and emotionally draining and so I send out my strength to you now. When the sky grows dark and it is difficult to find your next step, remember your family loves you like all the pebbles on a beach. Some smooth, some striated, some hidden beneath the sand. But together they make the path that carries you and guides your way back home.

Take care sis and remember to look around too. Give mom a hug for me.